How to get coupons:
1. Subscribe to the Sunday paper. You may also buy multiple papers.
The main inserts are Redplum (RP), Smartsource (SS) and Proctor and Gamble (PG). You may also sign up on Proctor and Gambles site to have extra coupons and emails sent.
2. Watch for inserts in your weekly fliers sent to your home.
3. Ask friends/family or neighbors to save them for you.
4. EBAY! I have bought 20 of the same coupon on ebay for anywhere from 1.50-3.00. This is well worth it!
5. Coupon clipping services such as they charge a fee but you can order as many of a coupon as you like.
6. Online Printable Coupons, there are tons of sites to print from.
Clip and keep ALL coupons until they expire, you never know when you will run into a sale and have a coupon that makes the item so cheap or even free!
Some stores have the blinkies that have coupons or have tear out coupon sheets. Walgreens puts out a monthly coupon saver as well as weekly ads with in store coupons!
There are many ways to find and get ahold of coupons!....